This product contains 15% bio-activated humic acid. Existing humic acid in this compound is a kind of macromolecules with a lighter molecular weight compared to other humic compounds that has been enriched in oxygen-containing functional groups. This condition leads to increase its reactivity and biological activity in the soil; therefore, plant roots will absorb it faster and simpler. This compound is totally water soluble, and its beneficial effects will remain in the soil for several years. This fertilizer is able to use with the majority of other agricultural fertilizers.
Humic acid is formed in the process of organic matters decomposition by specific microorganisms under special conditions. This product is a compound of macromolecules containing polymeric and phenolic structures, which is able to construct chelate with the nutrient elements in the soil, and consequently, enhance their uptake. The ideal amount of organic matter in the agricultural soils is between 4 - 6% whereas in Iran, organic matter of the soils, and subsequently the humic acid, is very small. Under such conditions, applying humic acid significantly compensate the foregoing deficiency.


This product contains 15% bio-activated humic acid and 10% slow releasing nitrogen in the form of Ammonium Humat. In order to form the mentioned compound, ammonium ion has located on Carboxylic and Hydroxyl functional groups existing on humic acid surface. Existing humic acid in this compound is a kind of macromolecules with a lighter molecular weight compared to other humic compounds that has been enriched with oxygen-containing functional groups. This matter will boost its reactivity and biological activity in the soil, therefore, plant roots will absorb it faster and simpler. This compound is completely water soluble, and its beneficial effects will remain in the soil for several years. This fertilizer can be applied along with the majority of other agricultural fertilizers.


NitroHume, which is a kind of combined fertilizer, is known as a soil modifier that in addition to have beneficial advantages of humic acid compounds, contains a great amount of nitrogen in form of ammonium humat. This compound is recommended for the vegetative growth of all farm and orchard crops. The existing nitrogen in this compound move slowly compared to chemical fertilizers, and so, it is gradually released into the soil. Mentioned reason prevents its leaching (infiltration) and wasting in the soil. This compound also contains 3% pure potassium; therefore, in addition to provide a part of potassium requirement for the plant, enhances the nitrogen use efficiency.